The 9 Point Charter




A 9 point charter of demands of Celiac patients was read out to the participants of the celiac walk by the Secretary General of CSO, Dr. Sushma Narayan. This walk was held on Sunday 30th November 2014 at 9:30 am. This was received very enthusiastically by the participants.

  1. Include the disease in Rashtriya Bal Suraksha Karyakram (RBSK).
  2. Launch public awareness campaign.
  3. Make Diagnostic test (blood anti-tTG IgA) available in all major Government Hospitals.
  4. Lay down national standards for gluten free foods.
  5. Encourage indigenous manufacture (MADE IN INDIA) of gluten free foods.
  6. Ensure publically available testing labs for gluten testing of foods.
  7. Subsidize cost of gluten free foods.
  8. Ease financial burden by providing tax relief to parents.
  9. Encourage research in newer methods of treatment and prevention of this life-long disabling condition.

After this, the participants started walking towards Connaught place, B-Block and completed the circle in about half an hour.
The walk ended with distribution of gluten free snacks to the participants.